Sermons 2023, • 4/30/23 Eternal Life - Now and Forever - John 6:52-58 Previous Jesus is the Lord of the Sabbath - Luke 6:1-11 Next Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder - Luke 5:35-39 You Might Also Like Forsaking All for the Kingdom - Luke 18:31-34 Rest Stop Parable - Luke 19:11-27 Jerusalem's Judgement and the Coming of Christ - Luke 21:5-38 Joy to the World, the Lord has Come! - Matthew 1:18-25 Sunday School - The Threefold Denial
Sermons 2023, • 4/30/23 Eternal Life - Now and Forever - John 6:52-58 Previous Jesus is the Lord of the Sabbath - Luke 6:1-11 Next Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder - Luke 5:35-39 You Might Also Like Forsaking All for the Kingdom - Luke 18:31-34 Rest Stop Parable - Luke 19:11-27 Jerusalem's Judgement and the Coming of Christ - Luke 21:5-38 Joy to the World, the Lord has Come! - Matthew 1:18-25 Sunday School - The Threefold Denial